
Showing posts from 2016

CF: 381Div1 ( Sack, DSU on Tree )

CF: 381Div1 ( Sack, DSU on Tree ) ///==================================================/// /// HELLO WORLD !! /// /// IT'S ME /// /// BISHAL GAUTAM /// /// [ ] /// ///==================================================/// #include<bits/stdc++.h> # define X first # define Y second # define mpp make_pair # define nl printf("\n") # define SZ ( x ) (int)(x.size()) # define pb ( x ) push_back(x) # define pii pair<int,int> # define pll pair<ll,ll> # define OnBit ( i ) __builtin_popcount(i) ///----------------------------------- # define S ( a ) scanf("%d",&a) # define P ( a ) printf("%d",a) # define SL ( a ) scanf("%lld",&a) # define S2 ( a,b ) scanf("%d%d",&a,&b) # define SL2 ( a,b ) scanf("%lld%lld",&a,&b) ///-----

CF: 138-D World of Darkraft ( Game Theory )

CF : 138 - D World of Darkraft ( Game Theory ) /// Given Matrix of 'L', 'R' or 'X' characters /// Move is: /// 1.) if choose 'L' remove containing second diagnonal /// 2.) if choose 'R' remove containing main diagonal /// 3.) if choose 'X' remove containing both diagonals /// We have to print, If you move first, will you WIN or LOSE? /// Idea: is of Representing both diagonals in DP /// then give all possible move and partision grid /// onto diagnonals & finally find out MEX of all /// dp returns calls; ///==================================================/// /// HELLO WORLD !! /// /// IT'S ME /// /// BISHAL GAUTAM /// /// [ ] /// ///==================================================/// #include <bits / stdc + + .h> #define X first #define Y second #defin

CF Div2-88E Interesting Game( Game theory )

CF div2-88E Interesting Game ( Game theory ) ///==================================================/// /// HELLO WORLD !! /// /// IT'S ME /// /// BISHAL GAUTAM /// /// [ ] /// ///==================================================/// #include<bits/stdc++.h> # define X first # define Y second # define mpp make_pair # define nl printf("\n") # define SZ ( x ) (int)(x.size()) # define pb ( x ) push_back(x) # define pii pair<int,int> # define pll pair<ll,ll> ///--------------------- # define S ( a ) scanf("%d",&a) # define P ( a ) printf("%d",a) # define SL ( a ) scanf("%lld",&a) # define S2 ( a,b ) scanf("%d%d",&a,&b) # define SL2 ( a,b ) scanf("%lld%lld",&a,&b) ///------------------------------------ # define all (

13154 - Extreme XOR Sum (Observation, Precal )

UVA  13154 - Extreme XOR Sum (Observation, Precal ) /// Story Behind This Problem!! /// As problem pattern was similar to another problem which I had faced /// recently on HackerRank( XOR MATRIX ) /// I easily figured out the pattern of NcR. Main Problem was with complexity!! /// But, this problem luckily passed within 2 sec, as there was not strong pretests. /// I heard after contest that complexity can be reduced to O( q*sqrt(n) ). I have no /// proper idea of this Sqrt decomposition solution. /// My solution is based on following idea: /// 1. Observe the patten for different length. /// 2. If ncr[ len ][ j ] is odd then include jth item of that len otherwise exclude. /// 3. Now, As XOR follows cummulative property answer each xor sum of subsegment /// containing odd values only on that len. ///==================================================/// /// HELLO WORLD !! /// /// IT'S ME /// ///

HackerEarth: Mojo,Jojo and Game( Game Theory )

HackerEarth: Mojo,Jojo and Game( Game Theory ) ///==================================================/// /// HELLO WORLD !! /// /// IT'S ME /// /// BISHAL GAUTAM /// /// [ ] /// ///==================================================/// #include<bits/stdc++.h> # define X first # define Y second # define mpp make_pair # define nl printf("\n") # define SZ ( x ) (int)(x.size()) # define pb ( x ) push_back(x) # define pii pair<int,int> # define pll pair<ll,ll> ///--------------------- # define S ( a ) scanf("%d",&a) # define P ( a ) printf("%d",a) # define SL ( a ) scanf("%lld",&a) # define S2 ( a,b ) scanf("%d%d",&a,&b) # define SL2 ( a,b ) scanf("%lld%lld",&a,&b) ///------------------------------------ # define all

UVA 10319 - Manhattan ( 2SAT, SCC )

UVA 10319 - Manhattan ( 2SAT, SCC ) /// Is there is a way to assign direction of all rows /// and Column such that there will be a way to reach /// from every (a,b) to (c,d)? /// Idea: for each location to reach from (a,b) to (c,d) /// either we have to go from dir of (a&d) or (b&c), which /// is further reducible to (a|b) & (a&c) & (d|b) & (d&c) ///==================================================/// /// HELLO WORLD !! /// /// IT'S ME /// /// BISHAL GAUTAM /// /// [ ] /// ///==================================================/// #include <bits / stdc + + .h> #define X first #define Y second #define mpp make_pair #define nl printf( " \n " ) #define SZ( x ) ( int )( x . size ()) #define pb( x ) push_back( x ) #define pii pair< int , int > #define pll pair<ll,ll> ///-

SPOJ BUGLIFE (2SAT Basic/Bipartite Checking)

SPOJ BUGLIFE (2SAT Basic/Bipartite Checking) // /==================================================/// // / HELLO WORLD !! /// // / IT'S ME /// // / BISHAL GAUTAM /// // / [ ] /// // /==================================================/// #include<bits/stdc++.h> # define X first # define Y second # define mpp make_pair # define nl printf("\n") # define SZ ( x ) (int)(x.size()) # define pb ( x ) push_back(x) # define pii pair<int,int> # define pll pair<ll,ll> // /--------------------- # define S ( a ) scanf("%d",&a) # define P ( a ) printf("%d",a) # define SL ( a ) scanf("%lld",&a) # define S2 ( a , b ) scanf("%d%d",&a,&b) # define SL2 ( a , b ) scanf("%lld%lld",&a,&b) // /-------------------------------

CF:Gym problem-G ( Digit DP )

CF:Gym problem-G ( Digit DP ) Accoring to problem, You have given interval L,R. You have to print number which have maximum product of the digits. Idea: Digit DP storing state of 1. Position-p 2. flag for did I take small (chhoto)-ch 3.flag for did I take large(boro)-br 4.flag for statting of nonzero val-z // /==================================================/// // / HELLO WORLD !! /// // / IT'S ME /// // / BISHAL GAUTAM /// // / [ ] /// // /==================================================/// #include<bits/stdc++.h> # define X first # define Y second # define mpp make_pair # define nl printf("\n") # define SZ ( x ) (int)(x.size()) # define pb ( x ) push_back(x) # define pii pair<int,int> # define pll pair<ll,ll> // /--------------------- # define S ( a ) sca

CF: EduRound10: Nested Segments(data structure)

CF: EduRound10: Nested Segments(data structure)     Idea: We have to find total segments withing main segment, For this if we sort segments on the basis of which ends  earlier comes first, we may easily get answer by updating starting points withing segment range using BIT.     // /==================================================/// // / HELLO WORLD !! /// // / IT'S ME /// // / BISHAL GAUTAM /// // / [ ] /// // /==================================================/// #include<bits/stdc++.h> # define X first # define Y second # define mpp make_pair # define nl printf("\n") # define SZ ( x ) (int)(x.size()) # define pb ( x ) push_back(x) # define pii pair<int,int> # define pll pair<ll,ll> // /--------------------- # define S ( a ) scanf("%d",&a) # define P ( a ) printf(&